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Our Engagement Approach

BROOKS is dedicated to delivering inclusive, equitable and sustainable community engagement practices for communities across Australia.

We understand the importance of creating safe spaces for stakeholders to participate and contribute. Our team designs engagement processes to accommodate diverse perspectives, cultural backgrounds, and accessibility needs. We prioritise equity to ensure all members of the community feel respected and listened to. We connect our clients to their stakeholders and their stakeholders with each other to help build vibrant, sustainable communities.
At BROOKS, we prioritise developing a comprehensive strategy that addresses the unique issues faced by each community we work with. Through careful planning and preparation, we ensure our engagement efforts serve a clear purpose and meet the needs of all participants.
Understanding the community is at the core of what we do. We take the time to actively listen and gain insights into the perspectives and concerns of community members. By incorporating diverse voices, we lay the groundwork for meaningful and inclusive engagement.
Building open relationships and fostering engagement is a key aspect of our approach. We work closely with stakeholders to create an inclusive space where collaboration and finding shared purpose thrive. Through collaboration, we empower individuals to work together towards the common good.
We believe in connecting people to enable the development of vibrant and sustainable communities. By facilitating open dialogue, embracing transparency, and building trust, we create an environment where community members feel empowered and valued.

The International Association for Public Participation (IAP2)

The International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) is a global organisation that promotes and advances best practice of public participation in decision-making. It provides resources, training, and support for organisations, including government bodies and councils, to engage the public in a meaningful and effective way.

BROOKS will ensure that our engagement processes are inclusive, effective, and responsive to the needs and concerns of the community by adhering to and actively implementing IAP2’s Core Values, Code of Ethics and Spectrum of Public Participation across all of our work. Abiding by these values ensures that the public is treated fairly and that their voices are heard and taken into account during the engagement process. Our company and its employees are accredited members of the International Association of Public Participation Australasia. All staff are trained via the IAP2 Australasia Chapter and adopt IAP2 Standards for Practice in all community engagement. 

Spectrum of Engagement: BROOKS utilises IAP2’s Public Participation Spectrum of Engagement and Core Values across all of our projects. By using IAP2’s Spectrum of Public Participation, BROOKS can determine the appropriate level of public participation for a specific issue or project. Our facilitators work with our clients to understand both the community and the projects needs, to select the most effective way to engage the public.